Wednesday, December 15, 2010

What About God? Psalm 103

What about God?
This morning when you woke up what thoughts did you have running through your mind? Throughout most of the day what kind of thinking patterns did you have?  Did any of these thoughts cross your mind today; a need, want, anger, a sense of un-worthiness, shameful, never the best, guilt for thinking evil, angry at others, sense of being lost, temptation, sense of insecurity, despair, nervousness, loneliness, or a feeling of being un-happy of who you are? You are in the midst of a dark and perverted world, surrounded by un-belief and smothered with negatives. It is designed and controlled to keep you second guessing yourself, designed to make God seem like he is miles away. It’s the world and we are living in it, and as long as we are alive on earth and until the gathering, these are the influences that surround us daily, moment by moment. Our God knows this, our beautiful, tender, and loving God knows what each one of us face and the thoughts we battle. We are in a war called “the battle field of the mind”.  Regardless of all the junk we have to face, our God has made us victorious. He has made us more than conquerors, he is God Almighty who has an endless supply to provide, protect, support and defend each one of us. God stands behind his Word, he means what he says, it doesn’t matter how you feel, it doesn’t matter what you think, his Word is his Word and he means every bit of it. You have to think something today, you have to think something this moment, why not think about the love he has for you. Below is a beautiful psalm showing God’s heart and what he has done specifically for you.
Psalm 103
 1Bless the LORD, O my soul: and all that is within me, bless his holy name.
 2Bless the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits:
God wants to be loved, not used for emergencies. He knows we can’t remember all his benefits, like; being protected, prayers being answered, being comforted, getting things we love, the list is endless, but yet we start to forget what he has done and focus on new needs. During the day, try to remind yourself what God has done for you, that’s all he asks.  God remembers what man forgets, and man remembers what God forgets.

 3Who forgiveth all thine iniquities; who healeth all thy diseases;
He forgives ALL your sins and shortcomings, ALL of them. This is what man continues to remember and this is what God forgets! If God forgives you then you forgive yourself and you forgive others. If you don’t you are walking on dangerous grounds, this is the battle field of your mind. People are constantly talking bad about others behind their backs and the world loves revenge. Time to stop it, and it starts with you. Religion will remind you of your sins, it loves condemnation and pride. God is NOT religious, people are. You have been forgiven, that’s grace, that is God’s love. Who healeth all thy diseases, God wrote it he means it and He does it, think that thought.

 4Who redeemeth thy life from destruction; who crowneth thee with lovingkindness and tender mercies;   You know what this destruction is talking about? It’s the destruction that surrounds us daily, to wear us down, pressures that the world hurls at you, God redeemed you, means he bought you on sale, no, Jesus Christ was our redeemer, it cost God his only son’s life for you. A life was given for you, you might not think much of this, but you need to remind yourself once in a while what Jesus had to go through for you. People are being destroyed left and right from the pressures of this world, we don’t have to! God crowns us with loving kindness and tender mercies. We don’t deserve that, but how sweet our God is to us. He loves you so much.

 5Who satisfieth thy mouth with good things; so that thy youth is renewed like the eagle's.
Some things that come out of a person’s mouth are so ugly and hurtful, God gives us his sweet Words, words we can speak to bless and encourage others with. Words that have life and meaning, we are here to love and bless others, God forgave and blessed you with tender mercies, you need to honestly think; what is coming out of your mouth to yourself and to others. Youth being renewed like the eagles. This is an eastern eagle, when the wings get old and dirty, it flies extremely high in the sky then takes a nose dive straight into the water at such a high speed that when it hits the water, the impact of that rips off all of its feathers, it then swims to shore and hobbles up to the bank and then the process of growing new, clean feathers. With our changing our thinking patterns to line up with the Word of God, we can get rid of all the dirty negatives we have been thinking, get rid of all the pressures, fears and shame that we have been carrying and in return, we have a life that is youthful, vigorating, vibrant like a youth has. We are not burdened down like people our own age are. That is the greatness of this verse. I have seen so many young people in their 30’s acting bogged down and miserable like someone in their 70’s. What a life we have. No matter how old we get we have youth, our miseries are out the door. When you start to have a negative thought about yourself, that is when you need to stop and replace it with being loved and embraced by God.
 6The LORD executeth righteousness and judgment for all that are oppressed.  How many times has someone did something wrong and for some reason you feel the need to kick them while they are down. Or just the opposite, your down and other want to shove it in your face.  God executeth righteousness and those that are feeling oppressed and depressed he is there to love and pick them up; he is the one who forgives. God does it! Is there is any reason you cannot do it? This is what the world does to us and it hurts. Let us love others in a way the world has never seen, you make yourself love those who are your enemies, don’t confuse that with friendship, you can love others without having to being their friend. if God can execute righteousness then we can to. You must believe in your heart God does not condem.

 7He made known his ways unto Moses, his acts unto the children of Israel.  Children of Israel never sat down and chatted with God, never sat down and had a cup of coffee and shared their hearts with God, because their hearts were hardened, they love the law, they loved worshipping sexual objects, backbiting, murmuring, gossip, they loved religion, looking holier than thou, and all that other junk, but Moses loved God and because of that God and him had a great working relationship. God was able to tell Moses what needed to be done, Moses believed, and the children of Israel only got to see the actions. God will make his ways known unto you; he will show you things to come before they happen. God wants to be your best friend besides being your father. Start your morning off with a cup of coffee and chat with him, after a long day of work, take your shoes off and chat with God, tell him how your day went, tell him what’s on your heart. Tell him how he blessed you today. We got to get out of a mechanical relationship with God. He doesn’t expect you to get into a formal mode of prayer; you don’t have to change when you’re talking to God. Do you do that when you are with your best friend? No you don’t. Your friend comes into your house and all of a sudden you act calm and holy, that is mechanical. Start getting honest with God, ok? He just wants your heart and no fake stuff.

 8The LORD is merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and plenteous in mercy. Repeat that one to yourself over and over. People are the ones quick to anger and show no mercy. You did something wrong, well let me tell you just how bad you are and I will tell others while I am at it. Getting mad quickly, people have that one perfected. I have been really good at it myself; especially when someone says something that offends me I get mad really quick! I am learning not to and it takes a lot of practice. I love our God. Mercy means, withholding of merited judgment, which means you should be punished severely for what you did, but God withholds it. That is mercy, he doesn’t fly off the handle and degrade you. My dad would scare me so bad when I was little, he would get mad quickly and hurt us verbally or physcialy, God heals our wounded hearts, he gives us courage to face life. He tell us we can do all things while the world tells us we are useless. Our God is a powerful loving father and you mean more to him than anything else in this world. If God be for us, who can be against us?

 9He will not always chide: neither will he keep his anger for ever.
 10He hath not dealt with us after our sins; nor rewarded us according to our iniquities.
 11For as the heaven is high above the earth, so great is his mercy toward them that fear him. 12As far as the east is from the west, so far hath he removed our transgressions from us.
Again, this is where man remembers and God forgets. Don’t beat yourself up when you do something wrong, and don’t beat others up when they do something wrong. What grace and love we have from God. He continues to love, forgive and forget.  It is towards them that fear him; this is a very terrible word that was inserted. The world causes us great fear, this is not from God. The word means respect, to be in awe for God. God wants your love and respect, that is all he asks of you, is to be loved by you. Then do it, love him, by doing that, look at all the benefits we get, it is amazing. How quick are we to forget, how quick are we to look at ourselves and the world for answers, how quick are we to get angry and judge others. Changes are necessary, and change starts within, try to remember some of his benefits. The East never meets the West, your sins are gone, destroyed, lost! God no longer remembers them, why do you want to? Learning to love God takes time, we are so accustomed to being hurt, lied to, cheated on, that we carry these thoughts over into God. He knows that, he knows what you have been through. People blame their miserable lives on God because religion has instilled so much fear they think God is mad at them and is out for revenge. It’s a lie straight from the pit of hell. People hurt you, not God. You cannot go beyond what you have been taught, the more you learn about Gods Word the more you can believe.

 13Like as a father pitieth his children, so the LORD pitieth them that fear him.
 14For he knoweth our frame; he remembereth that we are dust.
 15As for man, his days are as grass: as a flower of the field, so he flourisheth.
 16For the wind passeth over it, and it is gone; and the place thereof shall know it no more.   17But the mercy of the LORD is from everlasting to everlasting upon them that fear him, and his righteousness unto children's children;
We are dust, we are fragile, weak, and our days here on earth are not that long. We honestly need to learn to love our life, to embrace the love life God gave us. We had nothing in this world before God called us. We were without hope, confused, messed up, we were a wreck. If anyone as a believer is still living like that that then it is a shame. I am not saying to this to shame you, but it should alarm you, we have a life that is almost a miracle. Forgiveness, health, all needs met, a God who swift to help in time of need. I could make pages full of what God has done and will do. But I don’t need to; he wrote a book full of them for us. We are not beggars, we are not in need, and we are not desperate and confused people. We are royalty, we are in Gods household. Your life of wealth is not to be confused with money and clothes. That is a deception from the devil; the devil deceives people into thinking that they never have enough, that you have need after need, and to live in fear. Today is the day to embrace your life, live today to the fullest you can and with that, start off with being thankful, remembering some of Gods benefits, accepting what God made you to be, he says you are lovely and beautiful and if you think otherwise, then change it, change your thinking patterns. The battle field of the mind, you think the Word or you think the world. When you are dead and asleep waiting for the gathering, you cannot do anything for anyone. Now is the time to rise above, now, today is the day to live and act like a child of God, not tomorrow when you get a paycheck and then act like your rich for a day. We are rich every day. Embrace your love life with God and for others. And keep in mind these blessings are handed on down to our children’s children, God continues to bless our families, generation after generation.
 18To such as keep his covenant, and to those that remember his commandments to do them.
His commandments are to love him and love others; do you see the word “remember”? How quick are those thoughts out the door, you must remember and think upon Gods Word

 19The LORD hath prepared his throne in the heavens; and his kingdom ruleth over all.
 20Bless the LORD, ye his angels, that excel in strength, that do his commandments, hearkening unto the voice of his word.  It is not angels here, it should be messengers, and it is talking about us. We are the ones who excel in strength. That strength comes from us putting off those dirty old feathers and having our youth renewed, changing our thinking, taking off the old dirty thoughts and putting on the new thoughts. You cannot excel in strength by carrying around old baggage, get rid of it.

 21Bless ye the LORD, all ye his hosts; ye ministers of his, that do his pleasure.
 22Bless the LORD, all his works in all places of his dominion: bless the LORD, O my soul.

How thankful are our hearts are unto God, embrace your life now, all your sins are forgiven, your past is dead, today is a new day. Have a cup of coffee with God and let him know you’re thinking about him and that you remember some of the good things he has done for you. And another thing, if you do not know God that much or know very little of the Word, ask him to teach you, ask him to give you a bigger heart, to give you wisdom, ask him to show you why you are here on earth and what is your purpose.  He loves that, he craves for you to want to know him. We also have fellowship every Sunday, held in a home with a handful of sweet people just wanting to learn.  Anyone desiring to know is invited. I am also including my home number if you have something heavy or trying on your heart call me. God put us in his family, we were never meant to face challenges alone. God Bless, Mary 262-9808