Monday, October 25, 2010

Ask Seek Knock

October 24, 2010
Matthew 7; 7-8 Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you:
 8For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened.
We know that Matthew is written for our learning. Tremendous truths that we can apply in our lives. God says, Ask, the word ask is the Greek word aiteo, translated, desire, crave, or beg. God is our father who wants to give us the desires of our heart.  Jesus Christ came so that we could have life and have it more abundantly. What are you being faced with today, what is on your heart that you need or desire? Could medical, emotional, financial, and personal or anything else be in your heart that you would like? God is interested in you and your heart. The scripture doesn’t tell us that we have to be good, to pray all day, to burn ourselves out on giving, it says Ask. What do you need right now that would help enhance your life to love others better? Spiritually or physically, there are no limitations with God, we limit ourselves. So many times we do not turn to God because we are feeling guilty or foolish for what we are asking for. What do you need, what would you really like to have? Is there anything to hard for God? If the answer is yes then you’re wrong, chapter and verse please, show me where that’s written. Verse 8 says, for everyone that asketh receiveth; you will receive, believe it, confess it, and hold it fast inside your heart. God does the giving and he will do it his way and when the time is right. You will receive, God backs up his Word, and people fail at their words but not God.
Then the next words are seek.  Seek is the Greek word, Zeteo, it means to strive after. You are to do the asking, and you are to do the seeking. One without the other won’t work. If you need a job and refuse to get up off your rear-end, you are not seeking. So many times people will pray and thank God for such and such a need then give up, stop looking, and stop searching. Don’t give up; you do everything in your power to seek. Verse 8 says, he that seeketh findeth. No one can stand before God and say I have done everything I could and it just won’t happen. That is a lie, it says, you ask, you seek and you will find. It is really easy for situations or people to talk you out of seeking. People can tell you, oh it’s not possible, or you will tell yourself, well it must not be God’s will. What a cop out. If you do not have it, it is because you stopped seeking. I had cancer and a couple of other people in fellowship had some pretty difficult medical situations and we had to see many many doctors. Doctors are not God, there is only one and true God, you’re worshiping a doctor, you are worshipping another God. I needed answers for a few medical issues I was facing, so one Doctor was able to give me just enough information, and then I needed to see another one for more information that the other Doctor could not provide. If it took going to 4 doctors then I would go to four doctors. I was seeking, I didn’t stop at one. We get so easily talked out of seeking and we give up, and then guess what? You don’t receive. Our God is not a liar, people are, but not our God, if he says it, then that settles it. You need to make your mind believe and trust in God.
It goes on to say, knock. In the east and even now to this day. When someone comes to your door knocking, they do not open it. They ask several questions before they open up their doors. As with us, someone comes to my house at night knocking on my door, I better know them or they are not coming in. Well, God opens the door without questioning you. Verse 8, to him that knocketh it shall be opened. The word shall, means absolutely without a shadow of a doubt. Shall means shall! You ask, you seek and our wonderful God will open doors for you to walk through. God will do it, you do not have to pry it open, you do not have to sneak into a window, God will open the doors without question. Like I said so many people give up seeking, don’t give up. If God makes a promise, he will back it up, what he says, he means. He will never fail you, he will never forsake you. You can have a beautiful walk of confidence knowing that God will do anything for you. He loves you as is where is.
The next scripture carries a tremendous amount of weight, I hope you memorize this and keep it close to your heart at all times.
Mark 10;27 And Jesus looking upon them saith, with men it is impossible, but not with God: for with God all things are possible.
Sometimes the things we ask may seem impossible to get, so we don’t take action on it and then we never receive. And at times, the things we are asking for are impossible. When people tell you it’s impossible, they are right, but dead wrong when it comes to God. Our God specializes in miracles, that’s his thing! With men it is impossible, but not with God, for with God all things are possible. Who do you want to trust? Are you relying on a doctor for all your medical needs? Are you relying on your job for money? Where are you putting your trust, into what or into whom? Ask yourself these questions when you are faced with life and desires. Put your trust into God, if there is no way, he will make a way. As long as you believe man you will always live way below par next to God. Memorize this; confess it with your mouth and heart. For with God all things are possible. You do the asking, you do the seeking, God supplies. Wow what a life we can live, how exciting that when the world is all gloomy and nothing around you seems to work, we have God the Almighty! Everything you can see with your eyes is falling apart and decaying. God’s Word is alive and its life. It becomes living when you live, it becomes loving when you love. The Word of God is always a now, not later on when you feel better. You say it, you believe it, God brings it to pass and he loves the impossible. Geeze, give God something to do, he gets bored with people who don’t believe.  When it comes to seeking, like I said, don’t give up, God has his perfect timing, it’s his job to give it to you and it is up to him to figure out how and when. I think he is pretty smart at figuring things out for us. Here are a few scriptures I want to share; they all have the word ask with the same meaning.
John 11;22 But I know, that even now, whatsoever thou will ask of God, God will give it thee.
John 14;13 And whatsoever ye shall ask in  my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son, V14 If ye shall ask any thing in my name, I will do it. Always ask in the name of Jesus Christ, for there is power in his name.
John 15; 7 If ye abide in me and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you
John 16;23 And in that day ye shall ask me nothing, verily verily I say unto you, Whatsoever ye shall ask the Father in my name, he will give it you. V.24 Hitherto have ye asked nothing in my name (meaning you never could ask anything in my name, but now do it) ask, and ye shall receive, that your joy may be full.
I couldn’t say it any plainer or simpler than God.  God wants your joy full. Our God is sweet and caring and wants you to have the best.
God bless all of you, and remember!!!! With God all things are possible!!

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