Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Positive believing how it works and why it doesn't work

Positive Believing – how it works and why it doesn’t work
God is the one who set the law of believing in this world. This law is practiced by everyone, doesn’t matter who you are.  Everyone believes, either positive or negative and the law states that what you believe you shall receive. The word shall means; absolutely without a shadow of a doubt, you shall receive according to your believing. Positive believing produces positive results; negative believing produces consequences, negative results.  God’s Word not only shows us how to believe positive, it also shows us how to maintain that way of thinking. Likewise, the Word shows us the negative side of believing, the consequences and how to rise above it.
How you think about the problem you are faced with, will determine the outcome. The words that come out of your mouth from what you believe in your heart will determine the results.  Labeling yourself a Christian doesn’t mean you live like one. You can call yourself anything you want, the things you speak and the actions you take determine who you are and how far you will go.  If you want to learn how to play golf you’re not going to read a football manual, if your want to learn how to drive a car you’re not going to study a baseball manual. So likewise with positive believing, we must read the manual written for it. God is the one who put this law into being, he wrote the book, so if anyone has a problem with it you need to take it up with the author.
Mark12;22  And Jesus answering saith unto them, Have faith in God.  (Believe God)  23For verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith.   24Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believes that ye receive them, and ye shall have them.

Here is the key to success. That whosoever shall say unto this mountain, whosoever means exactly that, whosoever! Saint or sinner, a positive person or a negative person, whosoever is you and me, my kids or my parents, doesn’t matter, It’s whosoever. Shall say unto this mountain, (the words that come out of your mouth), be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart. I have to stop right here for a minute. Here is the key to your walk in life. SHALL NOT DOUBT IN HIS HEART, Shall not doubt, that means if you are believing for something and the moment you have doubt, then you are not believing positive. The verse goes on to say, but shall believe that those things which he saith, shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith; You speak it, you believe it! What have you been saying for the last 5 years, or since yesterday? What is coming out of your mouth? There are some people who complain about everything, doesn’t matter what it is, they always have something negative to say. Look at their life, by their own words they have set the pace on how they are living. You are doing the exact same thing. Your thought patterns determine the words you’re going to say. If God could make people stop talking negative he would, but he can’t and you can’t either. Freedom of will. What you speak is your choice. If you believe that the outcome is going to be negative then it shall come to pass. I told you earlier, shall means and this according to God’s Word, it means absolutely without a shadow of a doubt it will happen. If you speak a positive outcome, it will be a positive outcome as long as you have no doubt. The verse continues, 24Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ye desire, (desire is demand) when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them. Can you for one moment see God’s heart, he wants you to have what you want and desire. When you pray, believe that you have received, and you shall receive. Believing is a verb and it means action. Act like you got it before you get it, action always precedes results, and you shall, without a shadow of a doubt have it.  You know what most people like to do and continue to do, is they blame God; they blame everyone else for their outcome except themselves. They whine and cry because they prayed to God and God didn’t answer their prayer. They talk and blabber about all the negatives in their life. Yet, they do nothing, take no action and they get no results. This verse of scripture, man if this is all you knew about God you could practice this in your life and get amazing results! It takes practice, we are so accustomed to being negative, that to talk positive is a challenge. Here is a formula I learned and want to share, it goes like this.
Confession of belief yields receipt of confession.  Believing equals receiving. What you speak and believe will absolutely come to pass for anyone anywhere.  If you believe that if someone has a cold and you get near them you will catch one also, then you will. If you believe you will get sick, then you will. If you believe you will never get a good job then you won’t. If you believe that God will not answer your prayers then he won’t. If you believe that according to the money you have in your account is how rich you will live, then it is. People trust their bank accounts more than they trust God. People put their trust into people before they trust God. If an entire city believes something that is negative then that city will have a negative effect.  No one ever taught me to change the way I was thinking when I was growing up, negative words are contagious. Have you ever noticed, you could be with a group of people and everyone can talk negative and get along just fine? They can rank down the State or the government, our president, their boss, their spouses, the school teachers, negative group discussions are normal. But the moment someone starts to talk positive about God, or their spouse or the state in which we live, or just being positive, people really don’t like it. They cannot relate. In our day and time it’s normal to cheat on your spouse, it’s normal to hate our mayor or president. It’s normal to hate your neighbor. Normal doesn’t make it right. God, according to the world isn’t normal. The same people who talk negative are living negative. What you speak, what you believe will come to pass, and that is whosoever. You must change what you are thinking and change what you are saying, in order to change what you are receiving. It takes practice, it takes being patient to yourself. It takes replacing negative thinking with positive thinking. It takes catching yourself thinking about what you are thinking. It take’s hearing the words that are coming out of your own mouth. It isn’t Gods fault your prayers weren’t answered, it was because you started to doubt. It happens so easily after we are finished praying, it is so easy for you to believe the things you see with your eyes more than to believe God. I want to explain doubt, how it leads to worry and worry become fear. Fear is believing except you get negative results. Job had some terrible things happen in his life, terrible! Lost his family, his possessions, and he said the things that I have greatly feared hath come upon me. The things you fear the most will come to pass in your life Job 3;25. Read it yourself.
 Mathew 6;19 Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal:   20But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal:   21For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.  
The word treasures in this verse means, thoughts and affections. Lay not up for yourselves your thoughts and affections on earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt. Moth is fear, rust is worry. And where thieves break through and steal. The word thieves are doubts. Doubts break through and steal. For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also. What you think in your heart is how you are living your life. God says to believe first before you receive. To lay up for yourself treasures in heaven means to have the Word of God in your heart. All of God’s word is positive; he has over 800 promises for us to live by. He God promises to protect, to provide our every need, III John 2, beloved, I wish (desire above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health even as thy soul prospereth. Its Gods desire and will for us to prosper and be in health. Deuteronomy 8; 18, For it is he that giveth thee power to get wealth. I Peter 2;24 By his stripes we are healed. Every beating Jesus Christ took he took for you. Every whipping with leather throngs and pieces of metal and bone at the ends, that when whipped it would take out pieces of flesh. Every stripe he took he took for you and me. You are healed. If your thinking is sickness then change it. If you are sick then thank God for his loving arms to protect and to heal you. It’s a promise God made. Look at some of these promises, you can look them up I will give you the scriptures. Ask and you shall receive. Matt 21;22 Ask in prayer, believing Luke 11:9 Ask and it shall be given John 14;13 Ask in my name, I shall do, Ephesians 3;20 Now unto him (God) that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us. Who will dare to believe this? Who will dare to confess this with their mouth?  These are promises from God, God backs up his word. We have been let down over and over again by broken promises that we feed our negative thinking into Gods word. Read Ephesians over and over again until you have it memorized. He doesn’t do just abundantly above all we ask, but exceedingly abundantly above all. He can, his power, God can, God will. The word of God becomes living when you start living it, it becomes loving when you start to love. His Word is alive but dead works for you if you doubt. Doubt breaks through and steals, steals your prayers, your goals, your self-respect, your confidence, your money, your heart desires. Doubt leads to worry, then fear and fear is believing. Except you get negative results. We live in a fallen dark perverted world, that’s why it is extremely important to put the thoughts of God in your heart, keep them there and they will not get stolen. Thoughts and affections means to put Ephesians on in your heart. God is able, God is able, not your mom, not your girlfriend, not your job, God is able to give you more than what you can speak and more than what you can think. Well how much do you speak and what are you speaking? Signs miracles and wonders follow believers. They follow you when you believe. They don’t’ come first. So many people look for a sign then believe. If you continue to do that then you will stay in mental darkness. Guaranteed you will not go anywhere and you will blame God and everyone else for your misery.  Thomas said, I will not believe unless I see, even though he walked with Jesus and saw the miracles he did, he said I will not believe. Here is what Jesus said to that. John 20;29 Blessed are they that have not seen and yet have believed. We are blessed, whether you feel like it or not, being blessed from God has nothing to do with your feelings. A person biggest problem is stated right here. Mathew 22;29 Ye do err, not knowing the scriptures, nor the power of God.  The problem stems from either we don’t’ know what is written, what is promised to us or we do not know the power of God. You must remember God is able to do above and beyond what soever you can ask or think. Romans 15;13 Now the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, I told you there was joy and peace in believing. The moment you start to doubt that’s when you start to lose peace. Doubts steal your peace and confidence. You can be filled with joy and peace in believing. How could you not? Its practice, thought by thought, moment by moment. When we fall, God picks us back up, wipes off the dirt and stands us back on our feet. The word also states not to be un-equally yoked with unbelievers, people who do not believe positive or reject God, will influence your life, and the decisions you make. You know that. You can’t make anyone be positive, you have tried and did not succeed, because if God can’t make them either can you. You choose how long you want to be with others that have a mind like that. You can love them with God’s love, you can teach them to believe so they can receive. If that individual refuses to believe Gods Word, there is absolutely nothing you can do, except struggle. Shake off the dust, shake off the negatives that person puts out and walk away. Believing can be real exciting; your life can be exciting and wonderful to live. You can actually say, I love my life. With God, all things are possible, without God; yep, you get a dark and fallen world. What you say and speak will come to pass. Try it! You have nothing to lose by speaking his Word. Philippians 4;13 I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me, another translation is, I am ready for anything and equal to anything through him who infuses inner strength into me. You have God in Christ in you, you can do all things. You believe then you receive. I will end this teaching with James, this is very cool.  James 1;6 But let him ask in believing, nothing wavering. For he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed. V7, for let not that man think that he shall receive any thing of the Lord. V8 A double minded man is unstable in all his ways. James 2;17 Even so believing, if it hath not works, is dead, being alone. V18, yea a man may say, thou has believing and I have works; shew me thy believing without thy works and I will show thee my believing by my works.  Say all you want about yourself, your actions show who you are. The Words you speak and believe equal to what you receive. As a man thinketh in his heart so is he.  You have the power today to believe positive, you have positive words to replace the negative words you have been confessing yesterday and today. God is able to bring to pass anything you ask because he loves you. Fear has captured our minds all our lives and that can change. The battles are won by captivating people with fear. We have the power to captivate our fears and walk in power. The moment you start to doubt, grab your mind and make it think the Word. Practice, we have a very loving God he does not whack you over the head for being negative, he doesn’t need to we are very good at doing that ourselves. Go stand and speak these wonderful words of life. Dare to rise up to this level of believing; with God you can do it! It is available right now for you to live without stresses and money problems, to live without guilt and condemnation to have peace and confidence in knowing that everything is going to be alright. God Bless.

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