Wednesday, September 15, 2010

You have been rewarded! Better than any oscar or emmy awards.

September 9, 2010
Well here is my first teaching put into writing, I Thank God these words will help to open up your spiritual understanding. The only way to know God is to know his Word. This teaching is about receiving rewards, I am going to show you the rewards you do want to have and how to get them, and I will show you other rewards which you don’t want and how not to receive them.
Galatians 5:22  But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness, self-control. Against such there is no law. 
To have fruit means you have to cultivate a seed. Like an apple, you sow the apple seed, cultivate it to grow and eventually it brings forth fruit. You have Gods seed implanted in you when you were born again. (Romans 10;9-10) God’s Word shows you how to cultivate and bring fruit into your lives. One of the fruits is Love, this love is the love of God dwelling in you that allows you to love others. It doesn’t say you have to like them or become friends. It’s an unselfish giving. (II Cornithians 12), Peace, is when you are surrounded by turmoil and confusion you can have peace, it allows you to act not react. You’re in control in the midst of un-certainty. Joy, when the world around you is gloomy and you don’t know if you’re ever going to smile again, and then to have joy. Joy is an inside job, it is not happiness. Being happy comes and goes like the waves of the ocean.  Longsuffering, that’s endurance with patience. We live in a world where everything is NOW. Faithfulness, he who is faithful in the least will be faithful in much. If you ever need something done, ask a person who is busy. One who is lazy will not be faithful to finish the job. Self-control, that doesn’t just mean to keep your mouth shut, even though that might be the answer at that moment. It is controlled thinking and your actions will follow. Do you control the situations or do they control you. As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he. It’s up to you to control what you think and don’t blame others if you have a negative attitude. Gentleness and goodness means you don’t throw sharp insults at people, murmuring behind their backs. You don’t become blunt and in their face. If God wasn’t gentle to us we wouldn’t have a leg to stand on.  Fruit is what is showing or being seen of you.   There is no law against this fruit, you’re not going to get hauled off to jail cause you got caught loving a person, you’re not going to get fined because you’re sitting there in the midst of confusion and you have peace.  Let’s learn how to cultivate Gods seed in you so this fruit becomes a living reality in you.
Galatians 6;1 Brethren, if a man is overtaken in any trespass, you who are spiritual restore such a one in a spirit of gentleness, considering yourself lest you also be tempted. 
To restore someone over taken in a fault means to lovingly correct. You who are spiritual is someone who is knowledgeable of scriptures and lives it. Any fool can quote God’s Word, but living it is a different story. To lovingly correct is not pushing them down and condemning, lest the same thing happens to you. People are quick to point fingers at you and we can be quick to point our fingers right back. Correcting someone is helping them to get their thinking and actions lined up again with God. Faults over take people because of guilt. God forgives our sins as far as the East is to the West, which means he remembers them no more. If he doesn’t remember them, then you shouldn’t either and don’t allow others to bring your past up. We are all saved by grace, not of works, otherwise you can brag about how good you are, blah blah blah, that doesn’t sit well with God. Grace is grace, its un-merited divine favor. You didn’t earn it, you weren’t good enough, that’s why God gave you grace. Self condemnation is a sin, your mind is out of harmony and balance with God. Guilt and condemnation is an ego trip, all you think about is you, you, you. I feel bad, I hate what I just did etc. You allowed yourself to feel so guilty you don’t want to talk God and you’re not allowing yourself to be forgiven. Perfect love casts out fear; it releases us from the penalty of condemnation. We help to correct and restore, shake the dust off and start walking again. God is sweet and gentle so we must be also. You don’t kick a baby for falling down; you lovingly pick them back up. Restoring the peace in your mind, restoring heart. God gave us these things, otherwise they couldn’t be stored.  You cannot restore an un-believer a God rejecter, that person needs salvation. You certainly don’t want a God rejecter to run your life, which so many do. They cannot restore and bless you with tenderness and love because they don’t have it to begin with.  What is worse than to have a negative, prideful, arrogant, stupid, selfish person tell you what to do or trying to correct you. You get strong on God’s Word and stay put.   Verse 2 says Bear ye one another’s burdens and so fulfill the law of Christ. The word burden here is the Greek work Baros; it means weight or a pressure. We are to help bear each other’s pressures, life sucks sometimes, and we all have pressure, we all face things in life that is difficult. God says to help bear each other’s pressures and weights, he doesn’t say think about it, he says do it. You see a person in need don’t turn your head the other way. This is how you cultivate God’s seed in you and get fruit, by going out of your way when there is a need in another individual, a burden you can help bear. God never intended for us to cry and hurt alone. Helping to bear another’s burden is only a thought a way. Turning your head when you see a need is sowing. Where will someone be when you are carrying a heavy burden?  Stop thinking if you should help, start doing. Then the greatest words are said, when we do that then we are fulfilling the law of Christ. The law of Christ is to love God and love others.  It’s so simple, the world is complicated. You ever wonder if you’re loving someone with the love of God, well here’s your answer, you helping someone to bear their burdens. That produces fruit in your life. That is the cultivating. Under God’s arms, needs to be your arms, behind his heart needs to be your heart. How can he bless someone if you are not doing for him? He isn’t’ going to send a light beam down, he is going to send you.  Here am I, send me. Talk is nothing, talk is cheap, quoting scriptures to someone is cheap if it’s not done with the love of God, acting in love to someone is the ultimate, it fulfills the one and only law Jesus Christ commands, to love God and love your neighbor, you must be willing be third. Your neighbor might also be your enemy. In fact most of them are, I do not have that many friends. You see how simple God’s Word is, keep the religion out of it and you have a power walk of love. Just do it.
Gal 6; 3 For if anyone thinks himself to be something, when he is nothing, he deceives himself.  If you think you never need anyone to help bear your burdens you are deceiving yourself. A person who thinks like this is also one who won’t help to bear others peoples burden.  God says we need each other, you need help and so do I.  You’re not self made, if you think you’re something special because you don’t need help from someone your wrong. We need to be loved and encouraged and we need to love and encourage others. The world teaches that if people are nice to you, then you’re to be nice back. Wrong, God says you love in spite of you love regardless. If God says it, that settles it, truth needs no defense. You are deceiving yourself if you think you need no help because you are self-made and oh so adequate.
 Gal 6; 4 & 5 says, but let every man prove his own work, and then shall he have rejoicing in himself alone and not in another. V5 for every man shall bear his own burden.  The Greek word for burden here is Phortion, this is a burden that no one else can carry for you, you must carry it. I can believe with you but I cannot believe for you. This is a burden between you and God; you rise up with your mind and believe God to take care of it. The burden is making a decision to believe God, you believe his Word and all your burdens are gone. Jesus Christ already bore them, but are you believing it.  People blame others for their own mistakes and misfortunes and lie about it, they accuse, point their fingers, use hurtful degrading words at you or others. It’s up to you and them to believe Gods word or reject it. You act, and then you receive. There is no blame in this, all these wonderful promises of God are for our enjoyment,(over 900 promises) but it’s up to the individual to believe. So, when we can and are able to we help bear each other’s burdens, that is Baros, and then the other burden which no man can bear or carry the weight is Phortion. You must stand, you must believe God. People wonder why they don’t receive answers to their prayers is because they allow doubts to sneak in, start to worry and distrust God to answer them. It has nothing to with God not answering it has all to do with your thinking. Actions follow thoughts. You are where you are because of your believing and you will go where you go because of your believing. You’re believing! Don’t’ blame your unbelief on God. He cannot possess you to think positive.  V.6 Let him that is taught the Word communicate unto him that teaches in all good things. You financially help a person who dedicates their life to teaching Gods Word. V7. And look out for this, it’s great!!!!! Be not deceived: God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. We are talking about cultivating a seed until it produces fruit.  The word mocked means; in the eastern culture to mock someone was to spit in their face, tap them lightly on their face using your left hand. When a person had a bowel movement they always wiped with their left hand. Left had is considered dirty and un-clean, or to turn your nose up at them when they are talking to you. This is turning your nose up at Gods Word. Be not deceived, as long as you do not want to love and bless others, your deceiving yourself, your turning your nose up at God. What so ever and what so-ever means just that, what you’re doing to others is what you’re going to get back. That’s sowing! It’s giving what you got on the inside out to others.  (Love or hell) But we always receive more than we sow.  I planted 16 potatoes seeds and got back 200 potatoes! Sow a little and reap a crop. If you’re giving out anger, being cruel, talking about people behind their backs, stealing, you name it; you will without a shadow of a doubt get it back and more. To love someone, is to help bear another’s burden. It is only a thought a way, then you act. Your receiving is your rewards from God. It’s like he pays you to be kind. You are where you are from what you’re sowing. God says later in V8  for he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption, your fleshly thought, negative old ways are going to get you nowhere or anything. You can be filthy rich and be poor because of your heart. But he that soweth to the spirit shall of the spirit reap life everlasting. Eternal is different. When you are born again you have eternal life, all by grace. Everlasting means its starts now and then throughout all eternity. You sow love now you will receive the rewards now, here on earth and throughout all eternity, your works are recorded in heaven. Do you understand how important it is to God that he needs you to so love others that he will reward you both now and later for doing it. What a life you can have. God can’t love others without you, you are his arms to hold and love someone, you’re his feet to move his Word, he needs you, if you don’t love for God then who will, who will help restore someone who’s faults are over taking them, the guilt and condemnation being so bad they don’t know a way out. Who???? To fulfill the greatest law of all time set by Jesus Christ, to love God and love others! My gosh, let it be you, you be the one to set someone free, all we are asked to do is help bear one another’s burden, and if we do that, we are fulfilling what God has asked us to do and then he rewards us. What a wonderful God. You call the shots in your own life. You choose how and what you’re going to do, the fruit you bear is what is in your heart and actions. Jesus also tells us if no one wants to hear the Word, no one wants to be loved by you, shake the dust off your feet and move on. Leave their dirt behind; do not take it with you. You’re not responsible for others to believe or for their actions. They bear their own burdens.   Now I will briefly show you what rewards you don’t want. Boy after typing my teaching I realize how much space is needed, so will try to shorten it up so you don’t get tired from reading.
Go to Mathew 6;3 But when thou does alms (that’s giving) let not thy left hand know what thy right hand is doing. Which means don’t advertise your giving. Don’t brag how good you are to others and how much you give.  You do it in secret, privately; God knows your giving you don’t need the reward of others patting you on the back. V5, and when thou prayest, thou shalt not be as the hypocrites are, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and in the corners of the streets that they may be seen of men, Verily I say unto you, they have their reward. V 6. But thou, when thou pray enter into thy closet, closet means inner heart, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret and thy father which seeth thee in secret shall reward thee openly. But when ye pray, use not vain repetitions as the heathen do; for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking, be not ye therefore like unto them; for your father knoweth what things you need of before ye ask him.  God is so sweet, he knows what you need before you even ask, People spend hundreds and thousands of dollars to buy expensive name brand clothes to be seen of people, their reward is a glance. People are craving to be seen and heard, again the only rewards they get is a glance. It doesn’t matter to them what’s on the inside of a person they are only concerned on what is on the outside. What kind of car do you drive, what name brand are you wearing or house you live in. Oh and look at my body. How much money is spent on trying to look perfect on the outside. Perfect that on the outside while the inside is rotten.  Religious leaders love to chant, love to sprinkle water all over, count their beads, love to light the candles properly, love to dress so holier than thou, watch me on how long I pray, watch me how much I give. These same people will point out your faults, they will add to your burdens instead of helping to carry them; their fingers are always pointed at you! They don’t care about your heart, they care for one thing and one thing only, to be seen and heard by people. God says they have their reward, what a shallow fruitless, un-loving, un-caring, empty hollow life. We are surrounded by people like that.  Don’t be like them, if you’re doing things to be seen, to just get a glance, you will get your reward. You will be known by the fruit you bear.  The question is what kind of fruit, rotten stinking selfish fruit, or love, peace, longsuffering etc. As a man thinketh in his heart so is he. We are here to love God and to love others for him, and your rewards are both now and in the future, don’t quit loving and helping others because you got hurt, when life gets frustrating and you get discouraged, don’t quit loving. Galatians says we are to be especially good unto the household. We are here for each other. Ask yourself this, when was the last time you blessed someone, how often do you think of doing something for someone, who have you helped overcoming a problem lately. Have you helped to bear someone’s burden or are you being a burden.  God asks us not to give up, to get faint; to get tired in the mind of helping others, in due time you will receive.  God Bless, Go and sow so that others can be blessed, put God first, others second and be willing to be third. If they don’t want to believe then shake the dust off and move on. You will receive more than you could ask or think because God is the giver, now you give.

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